Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dancer Down

Dancer Down
down and swiftly
down and out but not showing the out
down and up
down and up so swiftly

And I watch

her tremble and hide
no injury, just fine, shakin' it off

But I see
her muscles tense around the rib cage and pain wraps around her lower back
and down into her right hip

but she stands
so strong

"Go home, eat some ibu, get some ice."

I hear the words and think

I want to wrap her in a blanket
wrap her injuries
ice her
heat her

Dancer Down

while I watched from a darkened corner

I saw just how strong that injured,
beautiful Dancer is.

"She'll be back tomorrow night."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I am just me

I Am Just Me

I am just me, and that's the the square peg squishing into round holes
and sometimes

I am just me, and that's sandpaper set to a soft object
working something to death,
no need for delicacy

I am just me, dirty fingernails and all, dirty from scraping and scratching at the dirt
looking for treasure
always the possibility of treasure

In me
Around me
In Others
In my Lover
In my Family
In my Feet
In my Mind
In my Soul

I am just me, dirty coffee mug my Ganesha
worshipping in a temple of laundry piles and unpaid bills
believing in that thing that has no real name

And crushed.
The weight of that thing crushing, and grinding
(and biting off my tiny toes)
and with the weight of it
that if I
move just so
I can inch myself out
from underneath

Careful, too much of a shift can cause irreparable damage
move too quickly and I'm broken,
not breathing,
but slow,
inch by inch, I find

I am smarter than the Unameable Thing that crushes me
I am aware that it is made of Solid Matter that others don't see
But Solid Matter
(and this matters)
Cannot Think...

I can.
I am just me with the scrappy power of a schoolyard girl a little tired of being made fun of
I am just me with the reserve and resolve and commitment to a cause
I am just me with the power to shave armpits!
The power to dig dirt and pull at grass and conquer nature with my
chemical hair color

I will not be held back
by the things that make me say,
"I am just me."

Because "I am just me," is MORE than enough to Create Life, Dreams, and Solid dirt that does not need to be moved ever again.

Friday, May 08, 2009

It is an honor
to be me
even on the days
when I wish I had the strengths of others

I see my weakness now and wonder...
is it possible that it exists
to allow
in other areas?

The grape must be pulled and popped and worked
from the vine
that tiny place where I place my fingers
is the very place
that allows me to take the prize

I think of the petals of the tulips I see now
as the most delicate things in the world
but it is the tulip with its petals that is tucked safely into that vase
not the bulb.

The wine I enjoy is dry, full, mysterious...
but I cannot take a sip
unless the cork is removed from it's protective place

And as I wonder about my own
and luxurious spirit

I see that I only need to remove the obstacle
for these thing to move from room to room
place to place
page to page
friend to friend
from my heart to my mouth

So, what is weak?
And what is strong?

Nothing, I guess,
without the other.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

When my words

When my words aren't mine anymore I am lost
the letters don't link up
and the phrases drop into a paragraph below
and I feel like I never learned to read.

My eyes see a word,and I think,
"that's mine." My Word.

In the hands of someone else.

On a page that belongs to someone else.

And so, on and on it goes-- writing, rearranging, writing, back to the drawing board, scratching, clawing, rubbing my temples, deleting, pasting, retrieving...

...all for someone else.

And in the end? The Reward?

I finished something.
It will be attached to a name belonging to someone else
a bank account belonging to someone else...

But it's my pile of words -- all messed up and thrown away or stepped on or pushed into a corner, or put first (when they were intended to be last)--coffee stains, wine stains, mis-spelled and wrong-- my words.

And as of today,
I'll Own Them.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


1) Expulsion from one’s native land by authoritative decree.
2) The fact or state of such expulsion: to live in exile.
3) A person banished from his or her native land.
4) Prolonged separation from one’s country or home, as by force of circumstances: wartime exile.
5) Anyone separated from his or her country or home voluntarily or by force of circumstances.
6) To expel or banish (a person) from his or her country; expatriate
7) To separate from country, home, etc.: Disagreements exiled him from his family.

Synonyms: Evict. Drive out. Cast out. Eject. Deport

Origin: Banishment.

I have been banished.

By an Authoritative Decree.

One week. One week, which could lead to two, possibly three – I’m not so certain that it is the length of time that matters as much as the fact that someone else made this choice for me.

I did not make this choice.

Cast Out.

In fact, I thought I had worked things in my favor to keep me from this very thing: my Home.

At first, when I realized that I had been Exiled – I thought it for the best. The person (or Authority, in this case) seemed to make a clear case. No contact: One Week. That seemed a workable solution for me at first; hurtful, yes – at the same time, just “okay”. Just breathe, there’s plenty to do – let the Authority think on the things that need to be thought about, and I’ll return to my schedule, my work, my family, my hopes and dreams of the future – my fears of the future – my love for the things I cherish.

Who gains the right to “Authority,” in a case such as this?

I think this over, a pen in my mouth – worrying the plastic to death with my teeth – because I find that I am not only in Exile from the Authority – a thing too complicated to discuss --

I am in Exile from my Home.

My Home. The home I own, the home I love, the home in which I have bled ,cried, painted, hoped, prayed, danced, entertained, laughed, hidden-away, slept, deconstructed and reconstructed an entire life-time of Me.

Where are my rights?

In a relationship, when one Exiles either themselves or another – something needs to be addressed. A thing that might one day save the relationship, or on another day simply annihilate it altogether.

But what about my HOME?

I find no other course of action than to take my words, look up the meaning of other words, and plunk them down on a page, as I seem to have no other power before me – oh, there IS power that I could wield, but that would lead to destruction itself…and I do not want more destruction.

There are days that I want to go Home. That I want to go Home so badly that my very skin hurts, and that I feel it is too thin to keep the insides of my body from spilling out.

But I do not go Home, because I have given that home to someone else.

And now, I am in Exile. Banished from my Native Land. While some might disagree with my use of the term “Native Land,” I would easily argue: I grew up in that House.

Not in the conventional sense: I have not been in that home since I was a child. But it was the Home I was living in when I began my journey to adulthood. The house that would gently teach me responsibility, teach me how to be alone with myself, teach me how to fix things, or reach out, or reach in – I argue – My Native Land – as it is the place where my soul is most at Home.

Native Land: The Country where you were born. This works for me, as A) yes – I was born in this country, and B) I was “born,” the person I am now – in that house. That Home.


I wonder when I gave my power away, and why. And for how long?

When did I give my Own Authority over to Another? So long ago – many, many years ago.

Living in Exile, I think – works only for me if I Am the One Who Choses It.

I did not Choose This – however, I did agree to the terms.

Because I felt that I had no Choice.

Here, in this moment – in Exile – I make a promise to find my Own Authority…and return it to it’s Rightful Place.

Tomorrow, maybe.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Smelling

And I arrive home and cannot stop or stay or be
The Smelling
They are on me and all of me is you
all of me is you and
and him
and they peel me
wrap me
engulf me
snake me
in and out
distrust, trust, loyalty, disloyalty
All in their world is

I break from them
a run
an errand
anything, anything
to be
just alone

I am Accused
"you have seen Them and without Us,"
Accused I stand

The smelling leads to telling
a truth
"how's that new thing?"
"My Girl, did she mention me?"

And I, fighting, kneeing, knowing

And they breathe in
the scent of

Acknowledging my disloyalty
Acknowledging my Scent

And together we Agree

All Truths are revealed
The Smelling

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Two Hours For Brooke and Peggy

Two Hours January, 09, 2009

Choosing words
Two hours to do it
Which words, and how many
To move you
Teach you
Lead you
To understand more of me
More of life
Of love

Quietly, I ponder
In and around the English language
For those words for you

So many!
The past?
We’ve done it
Talked and talked until we’re blue
The words tripping out over a glass of wine
More spilling out over coffee
A handful here and there in the darkness

The present?
We speak of it daily
Until we sometimes run out, exhausted
Me running over
You stepping in
Until the dance of language and thought
Becomes one
Our present needs be spoken of
Perhaps not today

The Future?
Yes and more now!
What will we do and how will we do it
And who will we do it with and when?
What’s most important
This time
Our time

Two hours to choose the words
And each day they will be the same
I loved you yesterday
I love you today
Tomorrow is ours
And now.